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Change log entry 83572
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 08:09:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76931 - submitted by 'encn' >>


Elon Musk同志来华参与组织生活后,X的算法推荐多了不少黄推,少了不少键政,你说一点关系没有我是不信的


+ 鍵政 键政 [[jian4zheng4]] /(slang) to discuss politics online/

Change log entry 83571
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 07:45:19 GMT)
Comment: My error -- my examples didn't actually support saying that it's only "usually" a women's competition.
- 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /crown or tiara of a queen, empress or beauty pageant winner/first place in a competition (usu. a women's competition)/
+ 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /crown or tiara of a queen, empress or beauty pageant winner/first place in a women's competition/

Change log entry 83570
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 07:33:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76930 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
I believe "fried chicken" can include much broader flavors and styles, popcorn chicken is more in line with the flavor profile and style of this dish

Wp ~ 咸酥鸡,或称盐酥鸡,是常见的台湾小吃之一,为台湾最常见的炸鸡块,特点是会加入九层塔一起油炸,带有特殊的香气。

LA ~ 鹹酥雞 [...] 也作「鹽酥雞」。

When all was said and done, the top three "little eats" were o-a-zen (蚵仔煎/oyster omelet), pearl milk tea, and yansu chicken (battered deep-fried chicken pieces with salt, pepper, and other spices),



- 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [xian2 su1 ji1] /fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper/Taiwan-style fried chicken/
# + 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [[xian2 su1 ji1]] /fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper/Taiwan-style popcorn chicken/
+ 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [[xian2su1ji1]] /see 鹽酥雞|盐酥鸡[yan2su1ji1]/
+ 鹽酥雞 盐酥鸡 [[yan2su1ji1]] /Taiwan-style popcorn chicken/

Change log entry 83569
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 04:30:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76923 - submitted by 'encn' >>



Editor: Another reason for thinning is to reduce limb breakage.

1) 從1990年開始,在行政院農委會資助下,林宗賢以5年時間,邀請各行業專家,成立技術服務團,輔導果農降低生產成本和提升品質,除了開闢產業道路、進行「間伐疏果」外,還在果園內進行「草生栽培」,也就是在果樹植株間,任由原生雜草生長而不濫施除草劑,並藉著雜草保溼、保溫及改善土質的作用,來減少土壤流失。

2) 大久保芒果園面積約5分地,完全採溫室栽培法,無論炎夏或下雪,全年溫度維持在攝氏25 度。在這種高成本投資下,不僅有效隔絕了濕雨及昆蟲入侵,解決了炭疽病及「果實蠅」叮咬問題,果實不用套袋,還可以延長花期。為了方便管理,每株果樹都矮化及疏果到只剩下80顆果實,並以勾子勾住連結蒂頭,有的果園則是以小網子架在下面承接落果,這就是俗稱的「完熟」。
# 疏果 疏果 [[shu1guo3]] /to thin fruit (for a better harvest)/
+ 疏果 疏果 [[shu1guo3]] /to thin fruit (to increase fruit size etc)/

Change log entry 83568
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 22:20:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76922 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 忸 忸 [niu3] /accustomed to/blush/be shy/
+ 忸 忸 [[niu3]] /used in 忸怩[niu3ni2]/
- 怩 怩 [ni2] /shy/timid/bashful/to look ashamed/
+ 怩 怩 [[ni2]] /used in 忸怩[niu3ni2]/
# 忸怩 忸怩 [niu3 ni2] /bashful/blushing/

Change log entry 83567
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 22:15:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76901 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 嚴把 严把 [yan2 ba3] /to be strict/to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)/

Change log entry 83566
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:24:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76809 - submitted by 'encn' >>
甜菊苷(英语:Stevioside, Stevia),又称甜菊素、甜菊糖苷、甜菊萃,一种糖苷,1931年,由法国科学家从菊科草本植物甜叶菊(或称甜菊叶)中提炼出。可作为甜味剂使用,而南美洲使用甜叶菊作为药草和代糖已经有几百年历史。它具有高甜度、低热能的特点,其甜度是蔗糖的200-300倍,热值仅为蔗糖的1/300。

GB 1886.355-2022 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 甜菊糖苷
本标准适用于以甜叶菊(Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni)叶为原料,经提取p精制而得的食品添加剂甜菊糖苷。
+ 甜菊糖苷 甜菊糖苷 [[tian2ju2tang2gan1]] /stevioside/
# Editor
+ 甜菊苷 甜菊苷 [[tian2ju2gan1]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83565
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:22:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76810 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [tian2 ju2 tang2] /Stevia extract, used as sugar substitute/
+ 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [[tian2ju2tang2]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83564
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:18:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76012 - submitted by 'encn' >>
trad form 捨 > 舍
v2 pinyin

definitions need review
- 神不守捨 神不守舍 [shen2 bu4 shou3 she4] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
# 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
- 四鄰八捨 四邻八舍 [si4 lin2 ba1 she4] /the whole neighborhood/
# 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2ba1she4]] /the whole neighborhood/
- 退避三捨 退避三舍 [tui4 bi4 san1 she4] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# Editor:
+ 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /(idiom) absentminded; dazed; distracted/
+ 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2-ba1she4]] /(idiom) the whole neighborhood/
+ 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4-san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/

Change log entry 83563
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76917 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 複合詞素詞 复合词素词 [fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2] /polymorphemic/

Change log entry 83562
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:06:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76915 - submitted by 'encn' >>
wrong def
分子/化合物 construct

Editor: Thanks, should be 分子生物学
- 分子化合物 分子化合物 [fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4] /molecular biology/

Change log entry 83561
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:01:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76914 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 單一合體字 单一合体字 [dan1 yi1 he2 ti3 zi4] /unique compound/

Change log entry 83560
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:54:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76916 - submitted by 'encn' >>
don't know what 听墙面 is
- 聽牆面 听墙面 [ting1 qiang2 mian4] /surface of wall/

Change log entry 83558
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:46:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76919 - submitted by 'encn' >>
there're not many examples

Editor: Thanks, should be 环保 not 保环
- 保環主義 保环主义 [bao3 huan2 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/

Change log entry 83557
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-07 11:27:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76900 - submitted by 'encn' >>
should be 严峻
- 嚴竣 严竣 [yan2 jun4] /tight/strict/severe/stern/difficult/

Change log entry 83556
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 06:17:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76897 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

"sour mountain date" - was probably based on references that say the fruit is sour, and alternative names include 山萸, 药枣, and more

"herb associated with longevity" - used in TCM but couldn't find anything specific about longevity
For example: 本品为山茱萸科植物山茱萸的干燥成熟果肉。 主治腰膝酸痛,眩晕,耳鸣,阳痿,遗精,小便频数,肝虚寒热,虚汗不止,心摇脉散。
- 山茱萸 山茱萸 [shan1 zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis/sour mountain date/herb associated with longevity/
+ 山茱萸 山茱萸 [[shan1zhu1yu2]] /Japanese cornel (Cornus officinalis)/

Change log entry 83555
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 06:16:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76898 - submitted by 'encn' >>
原始人 yuán shǐ rén

这个叫嘉宝果,我来广州10年第一次吃, 怎么说呢,它的结构只有皮和两个核, 咬破的一瞬间甜的像奶油一样,但此刻它的口感就结束了,剩下都是凭借原始人直觉不太能吃的口感

b美国真有点呆不下去了,我愿称之为原始人国家。2024年了还要用支票和汇票交税,并邮寄纸质文件[太开心] 就2块钱真不够折腾我的
+ 原始人 原始人 [[yuan2shi3ren2]] /primitive man; prehistoric human/

Change log entry 83554
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 06:12:22 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 沒奈何 没奈何 [mo4 nai4 he2] /to have no alternative; to be helpless/
+ 沒奈何 没奈何 [[mo4nai4he2]] /to have no alternative; to be helpless/
- 側手翻 侧手翻 [ce4 shou3 fan1] /(gymnastics) cartwheel; to do a cartwheel/
+ 側手翻 侧手翻 [[ce4shou3fan1]] /(gymnastics) cartwheel; to do a cartwheel/
- 印刷體 印刷体 [yin4 shua1 ti3] /printed style (as opposed to cursive)/
+ 印刷體 印刷体 [[yin4shua1ti3]] /printed style (as opposed to cursive)/
- 小便池 小便池 [xiao3 bian4 chi2] /urinal/
+ 小便池 小便池 [[xiao3bian4chi2]] /urinal/
- 小姨子 小姨子 [xiao3 yi2 zi5] /(coll.) wife's younger sister; sister-in-law (term not used to directly address her)/
+ 小姨子 小姨子 [[xiao3yi2zi5]] /(coll.) wife's younger sister; sister-in-law (term not used to directly address her)/
- 恨不得 恨不得 [hen4 bu5 de5] /wishing one could do sth; to hate to be unable; itching to do sth/
+ 恨不得 恨不得 [[hen4bu5de5]] /wishing one could do sth; to hate to be unable; itching to do sth/
- 枕邊人 枕边人 [zhen3 bian1 ren2] /the person who shares your bed; partner; spouse/
+ 枕邊人 枕边人 [[zhen3bian1ren2]] /the person who shares one's bed; partner; spouse/
- 熱身賽 热身赛 [re4 shen1 sai4] /warm-up match; a friendly/
+ 熱身賽 热身赛 [[re4shen1sai4]] /warm-up match; a friendly/
- 病懨懨 病恹恹 [bing4 yan1 yan1] /looking or feeling sickly; weak and dispirited through illness/
+ 病懨懨 病恹恹 [[bing4yan1yan1]] /looking or feeling sickly; weak and dispirited through illness/
- 草墊子 草垫子 [cao3 dian4 zi5] /straw mattress; palliasse/
+ 草墊子 草垫子 [[cao3dian4zi5]] /straw mattress; palliasse/
- 董事長 董事长 [dong3 shi4 zhang3] /chairman of the board of directors/
+ 董事長 董事长 [[dong3shi4zhang3]] /chairman of the board of directors/
- 黑沉沉 黑沉沉 [hei1 chen2 chen2] /pitch-black/
+ 黑沉沉 黑沉沉 [[hei1chen2chen2]] /pitch-dark/
- 回收站 回收站 [hui2 shou1 zhan4] /recycling center; waste materials collection depot/(computing) recycle bin/
+ 回收站 回收站 [[hui2shou1zhan4]] /recycling center; waste materials collection depot/(computing) recycle bin/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83553
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 05:56:22 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 冒出來 冒出来 [mao4 chu1 lai2] /to emerge; to pop up; to spring forth; to appear from nowhere/
+ 冒出來 冒出来 [[mao4 chu1lai2]] /to emerge; to pop up; to spring forth; to appear from nowhere/
- 人字形 人字形 [ren2 zi4 xing2] /V-shape; chevron; herringbone/
+ 人字形 人字形 [[ren2zi4xing2]] /V-shape; chevron; herringbone/
- 多面體 多面体 [duo1 mian4 ti3] /polyhedron/
+ 多面體 多面体 [[duo1mian4ti3]] /polyhedron/
- 扁平足 扁平足 [bian3 ping2 zu2] /flat feet/
+ 扁平足 扁平足 [[bian3ping2zu2]] /flat feet/
- 散攤子 散摊子 [san4 tan1 zi5] /to break up; to disband/
+ 散攤子 散摊子 [[san4 tan1zi5]] /to break up; to disband/
- 用戶名 用户名 [yong4 hu4 ming2] /username; user ID/
+ 用戶名 用户名 [[yong4hu4ming2]] /username; user ID/
- 罱泥船 罱泥船 [lan3 ni2 chuan2] /boat used for collecting river sludge (to use as a fertilizer)/
+ 罱泥船 罱泥船 [[lan3ni2chuan2]] /boat used for collecting river sludge (to use as a fertilizer)/
- 三明治 三明治 [san1 ming2 zhi4] /sandwich (loanword)/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 三明治 三明治 [[san1ming2zhi4]] /(loanword) sandwich/
- 含金量 含金量 [han2 jin1 liang4] /gold content/(fig.) value; worth/
+ 含金量 含金量 [[han2jin1liang4]] /gold content/(fig.) value; worth/
- 回力球 回力球 [hui2 li4 qiu2] /(sports) jai alai; cesta punta/ball used in this sport/
+ 回力球 回力球 [[hui2li4qiu2]] /(sports) jai alai; cesta punta/ball used in this sport/
- 文曲星 文曲星 [Wen2 qu3 xing1] /constellation governing scholarship and examinations; (fig.) renowned literary genius/brand name of handheld electronic dictionaries made by Beijing company Golden Global View/
+ 文曲星 文曲星 [[Wen2qu3xing1]] /constellation governing scholarship and examinations; (fig.) renowned literary genius/brand name of handheld electronic dictionaries made by Beijing company Golden Global View/
- 紫羅蘭 紫罗兰 [zi3 luo2 lan2] /(botany) common stock; gillyflower (Matthiola incana)/(botany) violet/
+ 紫羅蘭 紫罗兰 [[zi3luo2lan2]] /(botany) common stock; gillyflower (Matthiola incana)/(botany) violet/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83552
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 04:18:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76896 - submitted by 'encn' >>





#佛山美食地图# 冷锅一勺菜籽油,油5成热下葱姜八角桂皮花椒香叶煸炒出香味,牛肉块下锅大火继续煸炒至断生,李锦记生抽加两大勺翻炒后加足量的水,倒入砂锅中继续大火炖煮
+ 斷生 断生 [[duan4sheng1]] /(of food) to be cooked just until no longer raw/

Change log entry 83551
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 04:11:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76857 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

1) "first place winner"?
In a competition , 后冠 is something you win, not the person who wins it.

2) Sometimes it's not a women's competition.
- 他的作品《錯的多美麗》,在2004年幫張曼玉摘下坎城影展后冠。
- 不過隨著石斑的價錢已經由大賣一斤五百滑落了一半,就不知下一波海鮮后冠將會落在「誰」身上。

3) Other:
- 她第一次演戲就以自然生動的表演,摘下電視金鐘獎影后后冠;
- 而五月代表台灣參加「第十五屆世界反串皇后選美」的兩位選手,便旋即摘下后冠,而且幾乎囊括了大會的所有獎項。
- 哪一款英國皇室后冠最名貴?
- 王后卡蜜拉(Queen Consort Camilla)將戴上18世紀的「瑪麗后冠」(Queen Mary’s Crown)。
# 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /queen's crown; tiara/first place winner in a women's competition/
+ 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /crown or tiara of a queen, empress or beauty pageant winner/first place in a competition (usu. a women's competition)/

Change log entry 83550
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 00:55:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76894 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Seems to be a tree rather than a "herb".
LA say it's a 落葉喬木. See G images as well.

Editor: Per discussion - "Cornus officinalis" is 山茱萸, while 茱萸 refers to multiple species including 山茱萸, 吴茱萸, 食茱萸 (and many more)
- 茱萸 茱萸 [zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis (Japanese cornel dogwood, a kind of herb)/
# 茱萸 茱萸 [[zhu1yu2]] /cornel (Cornus officinalis)/
# Editor:
+ 茱萸 茱萸 [[zhu1yu2]] /cornel (Cornus spp.)/

Change log entry 83549
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 00:46:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76566 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

- 土庫曼 土库曼 [Tu3 ku4 man4] /Turkmenistan/Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran/
# + 土庫曼 土库曼 [Tu3ku4man4] /Turkmen/(Tw, Hk) Turkmenistan/Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran/
+ 土庫曼 土库曼 [[Tu3ku4man4]] /Turkmen/(Tw, HK) Turkmenistan/

Change log entry 83548
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 00:27:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76879 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Also used in 簕𣗋 (𣗋/欓/dang3 is not in CC-CEDICT) which is Zanthoxylum avicennae.
- 簕 簕 [le4] /bound form used in 簕竹[le4 zhu2]/
+ 簕 簕 [[le4]] /used in 簕竹[le4zhu2]/
- 簕竹 簕竹 [le4 zhu2] /spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana)/
+ 簕竹 簕竹 [[le4zhu2]] /spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana)/

Change log entry 83547
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 00:22:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76567 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

(China Mainland)

- 哈薩克 哈萨克 [Ha1 sa4 ke4] /Kazakhstan/Kazakh ethnic group in PRC/
# + 哈薩克 哈萨克 [Ha1sa4ke4] /Kazakh/(Tw, HK) Kazakhstan/
+ 哈薩克 哈萨克 [[Ha1sa4ke4]] /Kazakh/(Tw, HK) Kazakhstan/

Change log entry 83546
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 00:16:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76895 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 舴 舴 [ze2] /small boat/
+ 舴 舴 [[ze2]] /used in 舴艋[ze2meng3]/
- 艋 艋 [meng3] /small boat/
+ 艋 艋 [[meng3]] /used in 舴艋[ze2meng3]/
+ 舴艋 舴艋 [[ze2meng3]] /(literary) small boat/

Change log entry 83545
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 00:07:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76890 - submitted by 'encn' >>
猫砂(英语:Kitty litter)[1]是由美国人爱德华·罗威于1947年发明[2]来掩埋、吸附猫粪便和尿液的物品,供是饲养猫为宠物的主人用,除了猫以外,兔子、雪貂、小型猪或是比格犬和吉娃娃等小型犬也能自发地或通过训练来使用猫砂。

a couple of decades ago, the pet industry was mainly dedicated to the sale of dogs and cats, while sales of dog or cat food, kitty litter, and the like, were purely peripheral.

First you feed the kittens and put out food for the adult cats. Then you clean out the litter box.
+ 貓砂 猫砂 [[mao1sha1]] /cat litter/

Change log entry 83544
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 23:58:00 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 繾綣 缱绻 [qian3 quan3] /in love and inseparable/
+ 繾綣 缱绻 [[qian3quan3]] /in love and inseparable/

Change log entry 83543
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 23:57:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76891 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 繾 缱 [qian3] /attached to/loving/
+ 繾 缱 [[qian3]] /used in 繾綣|缱绻[qian3quan3]/
- 綣 绻 [quan3] /bound in a league/
+ 綣 绻 [[quan3]] /used in 繾綣|缱绻[qian3quan3]/
# 繾綣 缱绻 [qian3 quan3] /in love and inseparable/

Change log entry 83542
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 23:28:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76892 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 茱 茱 [zhu1] /cornelian cherry/
+ 茱 茱 [[zhu1]] /used in 茱萸[zhu1yu2]/
- 萸 萸 [yu2] /cornelian cherry/
+ 萸 萸 [[yu2]] /used in 茱萸[zhu1yu2]/
# 茱萸 茱萸 [zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis (Japanese cornel dogwood, a kind of herb)/

Change log entry 83541
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 23:25:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76893 - submitted by 'michaelw09' >>
+ 晶振 晶振 [[jing1zhen4]] /crystal oscillator/

Change log entry 83540
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 22:27:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76533 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
TOCFL wordlist (level 5) and Course in Contemporary Chinese (dangdai), book 6 lesson 4 give this as a variant of 似的: "似地 [sìde] Ptc as if, like"

1. That sinica.edu.tw link doesn't work for me.

2. I don't think 似地 is a (full) variant of 似的, and the bit you quoted doesn't mention 似的.

3. 似地 is used to form an *adverbial* phrase before a verb. E.g.,
- 她泥菩萨似地坐着一动也不动。
(adv. 泥菩萨似地 + verb 坐着)

- 梳在一旁的灰发,直直地垂落下来,像穗子似地挂在有老人斑的光头四周。
(adv. 像穗子似地 + verb 挂)

I don't think it can be used at the *end* of an utterance, with no verb following it, the way 似的 is used:
- 「好像不要錢似的,」
- 接著狼吞虎嚥吃完後又是一哄而散,好像他根本不存在似的。

That's why they distinguish 男孩似的 and 男孩似地 here:
男孩似的 boyish
男孩似地 boyishly

More examples of {(X + 似地) + verb}:
- 柴田警察班長將身軀用粗繩捆縛,從山上如吊瓶似地降落,...
- 如滿天繁星似地開放在錦繡大地上,
- 沒想到竟然奇蹟似地康復了。
- 台灣北部大屯系火山瘋狂似地劇烈爆發,
- 這句話像針似地刺向李淳陽:
- 像牽狗似地拉她出門。
- 9個月後更奇蹟似地戒除了毒癮。
- 整天像猴子似地在爸爸身上爬來爬去;
# 似地 似地 [shi4de5] /variant of 似的[shi4de5]/Taiwan pr. [si4de5]/
+ 似地 似地 [[shi4de5]] /(used to form an adverbial phrase X + 似地[shi4de5]) like (X); as if (X)/Taiwan pr. [si4de5]/

Change log entry 83539
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-06 15:15:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76866 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
This entry was created in a batch in which *every* new entry created containing 扣 in the simp indicated 釦 as the trad.

... even though in some cases, 釦 was obviously wrong, such as
釦擊 扣击 [kou4 ji1] /to knock/

Searching Google (verbatim option) for ["釦襻" site:.tw] yields only 4 results. Some of those pages do not actually contain "釦襻".

On the other hand, ["扣襻" site:.tw] yields 454 results, including

扣襻兒 : 衣服上用布做的鈕扣,像個小圈套。也稱為「紐襟兒」。

襻 : 衣服上用布做成的鈕扣圈套。也稱為「紐襻兒」、「扣襻」。



- 釦襻 扣襻 [kou4 pan4] /fastening/
+ 扣襻 扣襻 [[kou4pan4]] /button loop/

Change log entry 83538
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-06 15:15:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76867 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"摁扣兒" seems to be the more commonly used variant.
Google verbatim 4,480 vs 1,270.

Tw-based dicts GR and MoE use 扣, not 釦:

- 摁釦兒 摁扣儿 [en4 kou4 r5] /snap fastener; press stud; popper/
+ 摁扣兒 摁扣儿 [[en4kou4r5]] /snap fastener; press stud; popper/

Change log entry 83537
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-06 15:15:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76869 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 扣环 (五金): 是一种紧固件或挡圈,由带有开口端的半柔性金属环组成。
- 胸针:胸针又称胸花,是一种使用搭钩别在衣服上的珠宝,也可认为是装饰性的别针。

扣環,也稱為卡簧、彈形擋圈、E型扣環、C型扣環、止輪扣環[1],是一種緊固件或擋圈,由帶有開口端的半柔性金屬環組成,可以卡入軸槽或孔槽中以允許旋轉但防止軸向運動(物理)。有兩種基本類型:內部和外部,指的是它們是安裝在孔中還是安裝在軸上。 彈性擋圈通常用於固定銷連接。

- 釦環 扣环 [kou4 huan2] /ring fastener/buckle/retainer strap/
+ 扣環 扣环 [[kou4huan2]] /circlip; C-clip; snap ring; Jesus clip/brooch/

Change log entry 83536
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-06 12:56:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76888 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
@ ~0:50



of relationships:


about food:




Words, affection:
# 齁甜 齁甜 [[hou1 tian2]] /sickly sweet/
# Editor:
+ 齁甜 齁甜 [[hou1tian2]] /(dialect) (of food) excessively sweet; cloying/(dialect) (of words, affection etc) sickenly sweet; overly sentimental/

Change log entry 83535
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-06 12:04:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76760 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
變裝 and related terms


变装 seems more general than just cross-dressing.

"refers to one who wears clothing unrelated to their identity or occupation"
And if you read the article further it talks about cosplaying/wearing costumes

Or if you do an image search, you see people who are cosplaying but not necessarily cross-dressing (at least, I don't think they're cross dressing...).
- 變裝皇后 变装皇后 [bian4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4] /drag queen/
+ 變裝皇后 变装皇后 [[bian4zhuang1 huang2hou4]] /drag queen/
# 變裝 变装 [[bian4zhuang1]] /to cross-dress/
+ 變裝者 变装者 [[bian4zhuang1zhe3]] /cross-dresser/
+ 變裝秀 变装秀 [[bian4zhuang1xiu4]] /drag show; cross-dressing show/
# Editor:
+ 變裝 变装 [[bian4zhuang1]] /to change clothes/to dress up; to put on a costume; to cosplay/to cross-dress/

Change log entry 83534
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 05:46:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76884 - submitted by 'encn' >>

青瓜 方言
- 青瓜 青瓜 [qing1 gua1] /cucumber/
+ 青瓜 青瓜 [[qing1gua1]] /(dialect) cucumber/

Change log entry 83533
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 05:42:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75567 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
+ https://tw.hinative.com/questions/19037097#answer-44748727
+ https://tw.hinative.com/questions/1456961
+ https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/370711404.html
+ https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-%E5%A5%87%E5%A6%99-and-%E5%A5%87%E6%80%AA/answer/Tinker-Knight-1

(Not sure if Taiwan-only, but I've only ever heard 妙, usually 很妙, used to mean "baffling" or "strange", possibly Japanese influenced?)

Editor: This entry's definition no doubt needs improvement, but your 1st and 4th references are about 奇妙, not 妙, and in the 2nd and 3rd references, I didn't see anything that made me think "puzzling" is a suitable definition for 妙. It would help if you could provide examples of the usage with enough context to make it clear that the meaning is "puzzling".
# - 妙 妙 [miao4] /clever/wonderful/
# + 妙 妙 [miao4] /clever/wonderful/puzzling (see 莫名其妙[mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4])/

Change log entry 83532
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 05:05:04 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 動車 动车 [dong4 che1] /(PRC) (D- or C-class) high-speed train/power car/multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组[dong4 che1 zu3])/
+ 動車 动车 [[dong4che1]] /(PRC) (D- or C-class) high-speed train/power car/multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组[dong4che1zu3])/

Change log entry 83531
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:59:22 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 動臥 动卧 [dong4 wo4] /D-class (high-speed) sleeper train (D stands for Dongche 動車|动车[dong4 che1]) (abbr. for 臥鋪動車組列車|卧铺动车组列车[wo4 pu4 dong4 che1 zu3 lie4 che1])/
+ 動臥 动卧 [[dong4wo4]] /D-class (high-speed) sleeper train (D stands for Dongche 動車|动车[dong4che1]) (abbr. for 臥鋪動車組列車|卧铺动车组列车[wo4pu4 dong4che1zu3 lie4che1])/

Change log entry 83530
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:55:16 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 床鋪 床铺 [chuang2 pu4] /bed/
+ 床鋪 床铺 [[chuang2pu4]] /bed/

Change log entry 83529
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:49:58 GMT)
Comment: "商鋪" site:.tw - 2,530,000
"商舖" site:.tw - 168,000

商鋪 : 出售商品的店鋪。
- 商舖 商铺 [shang1 pu4] /shop; store/
+ 商鋪 商铺 [[shang1pu4]] /shop; store/

Change log entry 83528
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:44:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76875 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
當鋪 is standard taiwanese variant, 舖 is mainland-ish

Editor: Why do you consider 舖 "mainland-ish"? The character used on the mainland (铺) has 钅(金) on the left side, unlike 舖, and 舖 is not part of the simplified character set.
# - 當舖 当铺 [dang4 pu4] /pawn shop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/
# + 當鋪 当铺 [[dang4pu4]] /pawnshop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/

Change log entry 83527
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:29:54 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 紫坪鋪 紫坪铺 [Zi3 ping2 pu1] /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/
+ 紫坪鋪 紫坪铺 [[Zi3ping2pu1]] /Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan/
- 紫坪鋪大壩 紫坪铺大坝 [Zi3 ping2 pu1 da4 ba4] /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/
+ 紫坪鋪大壩 紫坪铺大坝 [[Zi3ping2pu1 Da4ba4]] /Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan/
- 紫坪鋪水庫 紫坪铺水库 [Zi3 ping2 pu1 Shui3 ku4] /Zipingpu Reservoir, Sichuan/
+ 紫坪鋪水庫 紫坪铺水库 [[Zi3ping2pu1 Shui3ku4]] /Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan/

Change log entry 83526
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:16:22 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 美體小舖 美体小铺 [Mei3 ti3 Xiao3 pu4] /The Body Shop (UK cosmetics company)/
+ 美體小舖 美体小铺 [[Mei3ti3 Xiao3pu4]] /The Body Shop (UK cosmetics company)/

Change log entry 83525
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 04:15:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76875 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
當鋪 is standard taiwanese variant, 舖 is mainland-ish
- 當舖 当铺 [dang4 pu4] /pawn shop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/
+ 當鋪 当铺 [[dang4pu4]] /pawnshop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/

Change log entry 83524
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 03:53:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76883 - submitted by 'encn' >>



+ 徒長 徒长 [[tu2zhang3]] /(of a plant) to experience excessive vegetative growth (at the expense of flowering or fruiting)/

Change log entry 83523
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-06 00:15:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75568 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
+ https://tw.hinative.com/questions/19037097#answer-44748727
+ https://tw.hinative.com/questions/1456961
+ https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/370711404.html
+ https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-%E5%A5%87%E5%A6%99-and-%E5%A5%87%E6%80%AA/answer/Tinker-Knight-1

(Not sure if Taiwan-only, but I've only ever heard 妙, usually 很妙, used to mean "baffling" or "strange", possibly Japanese influenced?)

Editor: Your 1st reference is just somebody quoting MoE's definition of 奇妙 (viz. 神奇奧妙) and adding that it expresses a sense of amazement, wonder and awe:

Another dictionary has the same definition (神奇奧妙) and provides these examples of usage:
例 「世界真奇妙」、「奇妙的海底世界」。

I don't think "puzzling" and "baffling" are good words to convey this meaning.

* * *

The 4th reference says 奇妙 means "strange and unusual, but also means intriguing & smart."

"strange" and "intriguing" are fine, but "puzzling" and "baffling" are off the mark, I think. It's not just *puzzling*, but *puzzling in a way that engenders a feeling of wonder or fascination*.

* * *

莫名其妙 is another matter. One dictionary definition of it is 表示事情非常奇怪,難以讓人了解。 So it's puzzling *without* the sense of marvel. Note that they use 奇怪 here, not 奇妙.

* * *

In the following usage, it's true that "fantastic; wonderful" doesn't quite convey the full meaning of 奇妙, but in each case, there *is* an element of wonder. It's more like "strange and wonderful" than simply "puzzling".

(this relates to a doctor who became an artist in his retirement)


- 奇妙 奇妙 [qi2 miao4] /fantastic; wonderful/
# + 奇妙 奇妙 [qi2 miao4] /fantastic; wonderful/puzzling (see 莫名其妙[mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4])/
+ 奇妙 奇妙 [[qi2miao4]] /wonderful; marvelous; intriguing; mysterious; strange/

Change log entry 83522
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-05 20:55:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76881 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 螮 䗖 [di4] /rainbow/
+ 螮 䗖 [[di4]] /used in 螮蝀|䗖𬟽[di4dong1]/
- 蝀 𬟽 [dong1] /rainbow/
+ 蝀 𬟽 [[dong1]] /used in 螮蝀|䗖𬟽[di4dong1]/
# 螮蝀 䗖𬟽 [di4 dong1] /(old) rainbow/
+ 螮蝀 䗖𬟽 [[di4dong1]] /(old) rainbow/

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